Dental X-Ray Machine

  1. Accuracy of Operating Potential
  2. Accuracy of Irradiation Time
  3. Total filtration
  4. Linearity of mA/mAs loading Stations
  5. Consistency of Radiation Output
  6. Radiation leakage level from X-ray tube housing
  7. Radiation leakage level from collimator
  8. Radiation dose test CBCTw

Dentists use dental radiography equipment for many reasons: to find hidden dental structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss, and cavities.

Dental X-Ray Machine
What the personnel (dentist, radiographers) who are operating the equipment need to know:
  1. While operating dental X-ray equipment, operate from a distance as far away as possible from the equipment
  2. Always use the TLD at chest level while dental X-ray unit is being operated.
  3. Always use Lead apron (0.25 mm lead equivalent) and wear TLD below the apron.
  4. For intra-oral radiography, the angle of emission should be so adjusted that the patient’s eyes / thyroid should not come in the primary X-ray beam.
  5. When it is necessary that separate films of the maxillary(related to upper jaw) and mandible (related to lower jaw) regions to be exposed, the angle of emission should be so adjusted that maxillary region is not irradiated during radiography of the mandibular region and vice versa.
  6. Ensure that Lead apron is worn by the person assisting an infirm patient or holding film during exposure.
  1. Get the dental X-ray procedures done only in hospitals/facilities having registration from AERB.
  2. Co-operate with the operator, to avoid repeat dental X-ray examination.
  3. Female patient, if pregnant, must inform the operator so that necessary precaution can be taken during dental X-ray examination.
  4. Carry your old dental X-ray records.
  1. Only AERB Type approved dental X-ray equipment shall be installed /used.
  2. AERB Registration certificate shall be displayed at prominent place for public information.
  3. Quality Assurance tests of dental X-ray equipment is carried out periodically and after any maintenance and the records thereof are maintained.
  4. TLD badges are provided to all the operators and workers involved during X-ray examination.
  5. During non-working hours, TLD cards must be stored along with Control TLD card outside the X-ray room (in a radiation free area).
  6. Sufficient number of lead aprons (0.25 mm lead equivalent) are available for use with dental X-ray equipment.
  7. Lead aprons shall be stored either on a hanger or on a flat surface without crumpling.
  8. Consistency of lead aprons shall be checked once in two years. Qualitative check can be done by taking radiograph of lead aprons.
  9. Routine maintenance of the dental X-ray equipment is carried out.
  10. Radiation symbol and warning placards in local languages are placed outside the dental X-ray room.