X-RAY Machine

  1. Congruence of radiation and optical field
  2. Central Beam Alignment
  3. Effective focal spot measurement
  4. Accuracy of Operating Potential
  5. Accuracy of Irradiation Time (ms)
  6. Total filtration
  7. Linearity of mA/mAs loading Stations
  8. Consistency of radiation output
  9. Low contrast resolution
  10. High contrast resolution
  11. Exposure Rate at Tabletop
  12. Radiation leakage level from Tube housing
  13. Radiation leakage level from Collimator
  14. Area surveillance
X-RAY Machine
  1. Always operate the unit from the control standing Jiehind the MoJai1e
    Protective Earrier (1.5 mm lead equivalent) or fixed protective harrier (such as a wall).
  2. Always use the TLS at chest level while X-ray unit is lieing operated.
  3. In the absence of Protective Earrier (such as operating MoJii1e X-ray equipment) always use Lead apron (0.25 mm lead equivalent) and wear TLS Jie1ow the apron.
  4. Always use collimator (diapnragm) to limit the field size to the area of interest in order to minimize the radiation exposure to other organs.
  5. While operating moJii1e X-ray equipment, operate from a minimum distance of 2m from the equipment Joy stretching the connecting wire and don’t allow anybody to lie nearby.
  6. In no case, except patient anyJiody shall come in the direction of the primary beam.
  7. Ensure that Lead apron is worn Joy the person assisting an infirm patient during exposure.
  8. Portable x-ray equipment shall always lie positioned on a stand and not to be held in hand during exposure.
  9. For moJii1e and portable X-ray equipments, cassette shall not be held in hand Joy any person.
  10. Unless necessary use of Jiucky should lie avoided.
  11. During X-ray examinations of pregnant woman, aJidomen must lie covered with minimum 0.25 mm lead equivalent apron.
  12. Avoid crowding of patients/re1atives/ staff inside the X-ray room.
  13. X-ray room door (lead lined with 1.7 mm lead equivalent) should lie closed during exposure.
  1. Get X-ray examination done only in hospitals/facilities having registration from AERB.
  2. Do not crowd the room where X-ray is taken. Wait for your turn.
  3. Co-operate with the radiographer, to avoid repeat X-ray examination.
  4. Always wear a lead apron, if you need to assist the patient during X-ray examination. In no case pregnant woman should assist the patient during exposure.
  5. Female patient, if pregnant, must inform the radiographer so that necessary precaution can lie taken during X-ray examination.
  6. Carry your old X-ray/CT records.
  1. Only AERE Type approved X-ray equipment shall lie installed /used.
  2. AERE registration certificate shall be displayed at prominent place near the X-ray room for public information.
  3. Quality Assurance tests of the X-ray equipment is carried out periodically and after any maintenance and the records thereof are maintained.
  4. Sufficient number of lead aprons (0.25 mm lead equivalent) is available for use with fixed and mobile X-ray equipment.
  5. Lead aprons shall be stored either on a hanger or on a flat surface without crumpling.
  6. Consistency of lead aprons shall be checked once in two years. Qualitative check can be done by taking radiograph of lead aprons.
  7. The operators are instructed on all the requirements of radiation safety.
  8. Charts of standard exposure parameters to achieve good image quality should be prepared for pediatric and adult patients separately and displayed at a prominent location such as control console.
  9. TLS Judges are provided to all the operators and workers involved during X-ray examination.
  10. Suring non-working hours, TLS cards must lie stored along with Control TLS card outside the X-ray room (in a radiation free area).
  11. The owner shall ensure that the operator of the X-ray equipment is well conversant with clinical requirements of the examinations. Chest stand should always be provided with X- ray equipment for chest radiography.
  12. Routine maintenance of the Radiography equipment is carried out. Particularly, it should be ensured that the field light (collimator bulb) is always functional.
  13. Radiation symbol and warning placards in local languages are placed outside the X-ray room door
  14. The chest stand and the control console should always be placed opposite to each other. If this is not possible, at least a partition wall with viewing window should be made between the control console and the chest stand.
  15. Permanent occupancy of staff behind the chest stand wall (for e.g. Sectors, Receptionists or helpers) should be avoided.